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ADA Approved Mouthguard

ADA approves first Seal of Acceptance for sports mouthguard

  • ADA News

The ADA Council on Scientific Affairs has awarded the ADA Seal of Acceptance to CustMbite MVP mouthguards, making it the first athletic mouthguard to receive the Seal.

The council said it awarded the Seal based on the finding that the product is an effective sports mouthguard that helps protect teeth from impact trauma, when used as directed.

CustMbite MVP earned the ADA Seal by providing the council with data supporting the safety of the mouthguard material. The mouthguard also passed a series of laboratory tests.

“Awarding the Seal to an athletic mouthguard expands the Seal Program to new and emerging areas, which we need to do in order to provide more options for dentists and dental patients,” said Dr. Tom Hart, ADA Council on Scientific Affairs chair, who is also the director of the ADA Foundation Dr. Anthony Volpe Research Center. “This will allow ADA experts to evaluate new products that can benefit the American public.”

This mouthguard was co-created by Dr. Monroe Elkin, a New Jersey pharmacist and dentist, and Manese Rabeony, Ph.D., an associate professor of chemistry at Rutgers University, and is now owned by Bite Tech Inc.

“The innovative CustMbite MVP mouthguard is used in hundreds of university athletic programs across the U.S.,” said Jeff Padovan, CEO of Bite Tech Inc.

To earn the Seal, a company must submit material lists for review and demonstrate that the product meets ADA guidelines and ADA-developed dental standards.

“As a dentist, I understood the value of the Seal because of its prestige,” said Dr. Elkin. “The ADA Seal tells consumers you can purchase this product and have some confidence that you’re buying a safe, quality product.”

For more information about the ADA Seal program, visit ADA.org/seal. For more information about CustMbite, visit CustMbite.com orBiteTech.com.