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2024 Virginia Dental Showcase

Workforce Council Report

VDA Workforce Council Report


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Student debt relief available for dental professionals practicing in underserved areas of Virginia

The Virginia State Loan Repayment Program (VA-SLRP) provides educational loan repayment to health professionals in exchange for at least two years of service in a Virginia Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA). The funds are available to dentists and dental hygienists, as well as other health professionals involved in primary care and mental health services.

“The purpose of the VA-SLRP is to improve and increase access to quality health care by ensuring that there is an adequate and diverse number of qualified primary care, dental and mental health practitioners in underserved areas of the commonwealth of Virginia,” says Olivette Burroughs, M.B.A., H.C.M., P.H.I.C., statewide health workforce manager in the Office of Health Equity at Virginia Department of Health (VDH). “VA-SLRP provider placement helps to improve health outcomes and promote health equity opportunities for all.”

Participants in the program must agree to serve at least two years in a HPSA in Virginia at a nonprofit, public or state facility. VA-SLRP requires a community match, which may come from the participant’s employer, state funds or any other non-federal source. However, the match requirement will be changing in 2023. Currently, the maximum payment for the first two years is $100,000, half of which must be covered by the community match. Extensions up to $40,000 a year (half through VA-SLRP/half through community match) are available for third and fourth years of service. Additional funds are available to those living and working in the Tobacco Region. At the time of application, participants must have active loans and an eligible balance greater than the VA-SLRP payout. Monies provided through the program are tax free.

Applications are accepted January 1-March 31 each year; apply online at https://vdh.myoneflow.com.

More information about the program is available at https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/health-equity/virginia-loan-repayment-programs-2/. To see if a practice resides in a Virginia HPSA, visit https://data.hrsa.gov/tools/shortage-area. Call (804) 864-7435 or email olivette.burroughs@vdh.virginia.gov if you have questions or need additional information.