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To everyone with a smile,

The members of the American Dental Association and Virginia Dental Association have a simple message for you.  When you visit a member dentist, you can count on our advice and expertise to keep you healthy and smiling.  

We care deeply about our patients and will us our clinical training and the latest research to provide you with the highest quality care.  

We know it's harder than ever to know who to trust.  The ADA believes that ongoing supervision by a dentist is critical for any dental care you receive.  Dental diagnoses and treatments are not do-it-yourself projects.  We recommend an ADA/VDA dentist by your side providing you with the expertise you need and deserve for optimal health.

In between appointments, we're still looking out for you with our ADA Seal of Acceptance.  The ADA Seal has been awarded to more than 200 products.  When you see it, you'll know that our independent dental experts have found the product to be safe and effective.  

We're here for you.  We're here to keep you smiling.  


The 161,000 dentist of the American Dental Association.

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