The Virginia Dental Association (VDA) routinely features advertisements/sponsorship in the quarterly publication of the Virginia Dental Journal, our e-newsletter, at events, and on this website. The VDA welcomes advertisers as a means of keeping its members informed of products and services available to them.
The appearance of an advertisement in any VDA publication or online does not constitute an endorsement by the VDA or its components, except where such endorsement is specifically authorized and approved. The VDA unconditionally reserves the right to decline or edit any advertisement submitted. See our specific advertising standards linked below.
VDA Advertising Standards
- All advertising submitted is subject to review and, where needed, editing.
- Any practice that wishes to advertise or sponsor activities with the VDA must ensure all dentists in the practice are current VDA members.
- Advertising must not be deceptive or misleading. Further information may be requested from advertisers.
- Advertising deemed to be in conflict with the ADA Principles of Ethics and Professional Code https://www.ada.org/about/principles/code-of-ethics of conduct will not be accepted; also, advertisements found to be offensive, discriminatory, promoting bigotry, or engaging in personal attacks will be refused. Any product, service, or company involved in regulatory proceedings or litigation may be declined.
- Advertisers must guarantee that all products meet applicable state of Virginia and Federal regulatory requirements. Appearance in VDA publications or online does not imply that these products and services, do, in fact, meet these requirements. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to comply with state and Federal regulations.
- Advertisements may reference scientific literature if such references are truthful and accurate. The VDA may request further documentation if needed.
- Paid political advertisements for candidates for public office will not be accepted. This is not intended, in any way, to prohibit or discourage individuals from seeking office in their local government, ADA, VDA, or component societies.
- Advertisements for tobacco products and alcoholic beverages will not be accepted.
- Educational courses may be advertised if the requirements of the ADA Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP) are met. Also, courses sponsored by state or component dental societies meeting the requirements of the Academy of General Dentistry for recognition may be advertised. Courses sponsored by commercial entities will be considered for publication on an individual basis.
- The words “Paid Advertisement” must appear in any advertising simulating editorial content.
- Testimonial advertising and quotes must be truthful, accurate, and placed only with the written consent of the individual, agency, or organization quoted.