Dental Offices in Localities Under Boil Water Advisories
As the City of Richmond and other localities in Central Virginia have been placed under boil water advisories, several members have reached out asking for advice on how dental offices should proceed.
This document from the CDC discusses boiled water advisories on page 30: https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/6743
This CDC page discusses infection control and best practices for dental unit water quality: https://www.cdc.gov/dental-infection-control/hcp/dental-ipc-faqs/best-practices-dental-unit-water-quality.html
This is a developing situation in Central Virginia, and we expect to have more information provided from the affected localities in the hours and days ahead, and will update this page as we receive it.
Additional updates can be found from the Virginia Department of Health - https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/richmond-city/category/pr/
And the Richmond City Health District - https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/richmond-city/
Boil Water Advisory Guidance for Orthodontic Practices from the American Association of Orthodontists (Updated October, 2024)